Searching for FAQs within this Forum
User's of this Forum are reminded that membership within this Forum is not required to perform searches within the Forum for threads and FAQs (search string "RAYFAQ#" keyword#1 keyword#2 keywork#3) which may have already addressed the subject that one is seeking information about. Like other forums, proper etiquette with the Raymarine Forum dictates that the Forum be searched for pertinent content prior to posting a new thread. Doing so will ensure that new Forum threads are created only when a no previously posted thread has addressed the same subject, permitting other users of this Forum to more easily locate a thread(s) addressing the information being sought. Finally, adherence to searching the Forum prior to posting a new thread will limit unnecessary work in moderation and responses by the Forum's staff and thereby permit more efficient moderation and facilitate quicker responses within this Forum.
User's of this Forum are reminded that membership within this Forum is not required to perform searches within the Forum for threads and FAQs (search string "RAYFAQ#" keyword#1 keyword#2 keywork#3) which may have already addressed the subject that one is seeking information about. Like other forums, proper etiquette with the Raymarine Forum dictates that the Forum be searched for pertinent content prior to posting a new thread. Doing so will ensure that new Forum threads are created only when a no previously posted thread has addressed the same subject, permitting other users of this Forum to more easily locate a thread(s) addressing the information being sought. Finally, adherence to searching the Forum prior to posting a new thread will limit unnecessary work in moderation and responses by the Forum's staff and thereby permit more efficient moderation and facilitate quicker responses within this Forum.