My RS130 GPS failed this week and an alarm on my ST6002 autopilot screen showed "No Pilot Seatalk Failure". The LED on the GPS antenna showed a red and orange alternating blinking LED, not the normal green blinking LED. Upon further investigation I found the S1G course computer, which is mounted under the helm, had broken loose and the S1G PCB was dangling by it's connection wires. I checked all of the connections and none were compromised so I remounted the S1G and turned the system on again only to find the same "seatalk failure" alarm. I then disconnected the auto pilot from the seatalk circuit by disconnecting the seatalk connecting wires off the S1G and unplugging the seatalk connector from the ST6002 control head and booted the system up again to find the GPS and everything else working fine but with no autopilot. I assume the S1G on course computer is the problem but am unsure on how to confirm this. Does anyone know of any tests that could be performed on the S1G computer to confirm it's operation? Are there any voltage, resistance, etc. tests that could be performed on the S1G to prove it has failed? Any input would be appreciated.