I have an e95 MFD which has current software. It is connected to an i60 series and 6000 autopilot. I am interested in adding the Theyr weather application for a transatlantic to Bermuda and am wondering if I can download the grib files thru a Satphone.
If this is possible, What would be the required set up to enable this functionality?
Can I connect the e95 directly to the Satphone? if not then -
Do I need a Satphone - computer connection to then export the data via wifi or SD card to the e95?
What are the sizes of the Grib files that need to be downloaded?
Any relevant information would be helpful.
If this is possible, What would be the required set up to enable this functionality?
Can I connect the e95 directly to the Satphone? if not then -
Do I need a Satphone - computer connection to then export the data via wifi or SD card to the e95?
What are the sizes of the Grib files that need to be downloaded?
Any relevant information would be helpful.