I am trying to integrate my new Standard Horizon Matrix GX2000 with my e125 MFD.
The Chartplotter is at the helm station and is linked to my existing Seatalk 1 network via a seatalk to seatalk ng converter also at the helm (with ST60+ wind instrument, St60+ Tridata and ST6002 smart pilot controller (Smart Pilot is in the Engine Room).
The VHF will be located at the nav station inside the boat. At this station, I have an ST60+ Graphic Display, an E85001 Seatalk/RS232/NMEA interface, a Lifetag System on the Seatalk linked to the Helm. The calble channel between the 2 is about 7m.
I was planning to link the VHF NMEA0183 input and output to the E85001 interface to save running a dedicated NMEA cable to the e125, but looking through its manual, it does not appear to support the DSC/DSE sentences for DSC polling. So I don't think this is an option, is that correct?
Next I thought of using the NMEA input & output on the ST60+ Graphic display near the VHF again to save running a dedicated cable. However I read on another thread that the Seatalk to Seatalk ng Converter is not designed to handle DSC/DSE polling, so I am thinking that this will not work to get the communication between the MFD & the VHF either. Is that correct?
Which leave me my last option which is to wire the NMEA inputs outputs directly to the e125 4800 baud port1. Howver reading my manual, the maximum distance to extend the NMEA port cables is 5m and my cable runs will be in the order of 7m. Will this still work? If not are there any other options?
Thanks for your help
I am trying to integrate my new Standard Horizon Matrix GX2000 with my e125 MFD.
The Chartplotter is at the helm station and is linked to my existing Seatalk 1 network via a seatalk to seatalk ng converter also at the helm (with ST60+ wind instrument, St60+ Tridata and ST6002 smart pilot controller (Smart Pilot is in the Engine Room).
The VHF will be located at the nav station inside the boat. At this station, I have an ST60+ Graphic Display, an E85001 Seatalk/RS232/NMEA interface, a Lifetag System on the Seatalk linked to the Helm. The calble channel between the 2 is about 7m.
I was planning to link the VHF NMEA0183 input and output to the E85001 interface to save running a dedicated NMEA cable to the e125, but looking through its manual, it does not appear to support the DSC/DSE sentences for DSC polling. So I don't think this is an option, is that correct?
Next I thought of using the NMEA input & output on the ST60+ Graphic display near the VHF again to save running a dedicated cable. However I read on another thread that the Seatalk to Seatalk ng Converter is not designed to handle DSC/DSE polling, so I am thinking that this will not work to get the communication between the MFD & the VHF either. Is that correct?
Which leave me my last option which is to wire the NMEA inputs outputs directly to the e125 4800 baud port1. Howver reading my manual, the maximum distance to extend the NMEA port cables is 5m and my cable runs will be in the order of 7m. Will this still work? If not are there any other options?
Thanks for your help