When initially introduced by Navionics, the NAV+ chart cards were not populated with cartography and required that their owners register the chart card via the Navionics web site and then use the Navionics Chart Installer application to populate the chart card with any or all of the following types of Navionics cartography:
- Nautical Charts
- Sonar Charts
- Community Edits
In doing so, the owner would be required to use the Chart Installer application to bound the geographic area (create a box) that the chart card is to be populated with in doing so, the Chart Installer will identify the amount of storage required for the bounded area for the types of Navionics cartography selected. Should memory requirements for the bounded geographic area exceed the capacity of the NAV+ chart card, then dimensions of the bounded geographic area will need to be graphically reduced accordingly.
In order to provide an out of box experience supporting use of chartplotting products, Navionics is now pre-populating the NAV+ chart cards with coastal, lakes, and river nautical charts - ONLY for the US and Canada. This large quantity of nautical charts consumes virtually all of the available memory of the NAV+ chart card. Should an owner desire to add Sonar Charts or Community Edits to the chart card, then the NAV+ chart card will need to be registered and populated with the desired charts as indicated above. As there is insufficient memory within a NAV+ chart card to store Nautical Charts, Sonar Charts, and Community Edits for all US and Canadian coastal waters, lakes, and rivers, the geographic area will correspondingly need to be reduced.
- Nautical Charts
- Sonar Charts
- Community Edits
In doing so, the owner would be required to use the Chart Installer application to bound the geographic area (create a box) that the chart card is to be populated with in doing so, the Chart Installer will identify the amount of storage required for the bounded area for the types of Navionics cartography selected. Should memory requirements for the bounded geographic area exceed the capacity of the NAV+ chart card, then dimensions of the bounded geographic area will need to be graphically reduced accordingly.
In order to provide an out of box experience supporting use of chartplotting products, Navionics is now pre-populating the NAV+ chart cards with coastal, lakes, and river nautical charts - ONLY for the US and Canada. This large quantity of nautical charts consumes virtually all of the available memory of the NAV+ chart card. Should an owner desire to add Sonar Charts or Community Edits to the chart card, then the NAV+ chart card will need to be registered and populated with the desired charts as indicated above. As there is insufficient memory within a NAV+ chart card to store Nautical Charts, Sonar Charts, and Community Edits for all US and Canadian coastal waters, lakes, and rivers, the geographic area will correspondingly need to be reduced.