From the old forum>>>> is the math correct or am I missing something ??
I come up with .363 am I figuring something wrong or is this a typo ??
thank you
Welcome to the Raymarine Technical Forum Stephen,
I suspect the you may have incorrectly entered the coordinates into your Dragonfly display. Raymarine products support waypoint coordinate entry of data in the format DDD-MM.MMM. The coordinate format that you have obtained from Google Earth are in DDD-MM-SS.SS format, where
DDD - degrees of latitude or longitude
MM - Minutes (.MMM is fraction of a minute of latitude or longitude)
SS - Seconds (.SS is fraction a second of latitude or longitude)
To convert seconds to fraction of a minute, use the formula .MMM = SS.SS / 60. In the case of the latitude provided within the example which you have provided, .MMM = 21.79 / 60, .MMM = .463. As such the latitude value to be entered into the MFD would be 28-55.463 N.
I come up with .363 am I figuring something wrong or is this a typo ??
thank you
Welcome to the Raymarine Technical Forum Stephen,
I suspect the you may have incorrectly entered the coordinates into your Dragonfly display. Raymarine products support waypoint coordinate entry of data in the format DDD-MM.MMM. The coordinate format that you have obtained from Google Earth are in DDD-MM-SS.SS format, where
DDD - degrees of latitude or longitude
MM - Minutes (.MMM is fraction of a minute of latitude or longitude)
SS - Seconds (.SS is fraction a second of latitude or longitude)
To convert seconds to fraction of a minute, use the formula .MMM = SS.SS / 60. In the case of the latitude provided within the example which you have provided, .MMM = 21.79 / 60, .MMM = .463. As such the latitude value to be entered into the MFD would be 28-55.463 N.