Hi All,
On our trip up the East Coast from Ft Lauderdale to Annapolis (ICW & Offshore) I have been using the Navionics App to create routes and transferring them to the e125 in the cockpit and with only a few snags it has worked quite well. The area I have an issue with is trying to incorporate into a route a few waypoint thats I exact Lat/Long coordinates for.
The Navionics App only lets one create the waypoints on a touch screen and refining the waypoint to an exact coordinate is next to impossible, so I am giving serious thought to purchasing Voyager Planner to see if I can do what I need in that program.
So before I purchase the program to use on my Win10 laptop I have a few question:
Can I enter waypoint Lat/Long coordinates via keyboard to "move" or correct the location of an existing waypoint OR can I create a waypoint with the mouse/cursor then add or correct a waypoint by coordinates/keyboard entry?
Along these lines, instead of the Voyager Palnner, can I create a route on the iPad App, transfer it to the e125, correct the handful of waypoints with an onscreen keyboard, then save the file and transfer it BACK to the iPad app? I tried something similar by altering a route on the iPad AND changing it's name but this "new" file is not synced with the iPad. Why??
Also, can I open existing routes that are on the iPad app/e125 on Voyage Planner and modify those and save it as a new route and the put it back on the e125?
Thanks much for your help!!
On our trip up the East Coast from Ft Lauderdale to Annapolis (ICW & Offshore) I have been using the Navionics App to create routes and transferring them to the e125 in the cockpit and with only a few snags it has worked quite well. The area I have an issue with is trying to incorporate into a route a few waypoint thats I exact Lat/Long coordinates for.
The Navionics App only lets one create the waypoints on a touch screen and refining the waypoint to an exact coordinate is next to impossible, so I am giving serious thought to purchasing Voyager Planner to see if I can do what I need in that program.
So before I purchase the program to use on my Win10 laptop I have a few question:
Can I enter waypoint Lat/Long coordinates via keyboard to "move" or correct the location of an existing waypoint OR can I create a waypoint with the mouse/cursor then add or correct a waypoint by coordinates/keyboard entry?
Along these lines, instead of the Voyager Palnner, can I create a route on the iPad App, transfer it to the e125, correct the handful of waypoints with an onscreen keyboard, then save the file and transfer it BACK to the iPad app? I tried something similar by altering a route on the iPad AND changing it's name but this "new" file is not synced with the iPad. Why??
Also, can I open existing routes that are on the iPad app/e125 on Voyage Planner and modify those and save it as a new route and the put it back on the e125?
Thanks much for your help!!