The Tide Arrow of an a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFD may be configured ON/OFF via the command sequence MENU->PRESENTATION->VECTORS->TIDE ARROW from within the Chart application page/pane being viewed. As the Tide Arrow is the vector sum of the through water and over ground vectors, the following data items must all be available to the system to calculate and plot the tide arrow:
- latitude
- longitude
- Heading
- Speed (through water)
The software of earlier Raymarine MFD designs will plot the Tide Arrow when supplied with this same data. However, these MFDs would erroneously plot a Tide Arrow which was simply the MFDs over ground vector, when no heading or Speed data was present within the system.
- latitude
- longitude
- Heading
- Speed (through water)
The software of earlier Raymarine MFD designs will plot the Tide Arrow when supplied with this same data. However, these MFDs would erroneously plot a Tide Arrow which was simply the MFDs over ground vector, when no heading or Speed data was present within the system.