My i60 wind suddenly quit displaying wind speed. Wind direction works fine. Speed transducer at mast head spins normally. Checked dc volts at i60 display. Results are:
From shield to R = 7.95 vdc
From shield to G = 3.1 to 3.7 as wind direction changes
From shield to B = 2.3 to 2.4 as wind direction changes
From shield to Y = 2.99 to 3.11 as wind speed changes from 7 knots to 12 knots as speed measured on ST60 at boat next slip.
No apparent physical damage to mast head transducer. Voltage input at Y terminal seems within specification. Does anyone have thoughts on what could be wrong - bad i60? Accidental push of wrong button combination on i60? Other?
From shield to R = 7.95 vdc
From shield to G = 3.1 to 3.7 as wind direction changes
From shield to B = 2.3 to 2.4 as wind direction changes
From shield to Y = 2.99 to 3.11 as wind speed changes from 7 knots to 12 knots as speed measured on ST60 at boat next slip.
No apparent physical damage to mast head transducer. Voltage input at Y terminal seems within specification. Does anyone have thoughts on what could be wrong - bad i60? Accidental push of wrong button combination on i60? Other?