Installed a new EVO-200 autopilot on boat and connected Lowrance Elite 9 chirp combo GPS/sonar unit via NMEA 2000 to seatalk ng using cable A06045. The autopilot communicates with the Lowrance unit and vice versa. The pilot gets GPS data and Lowrance unit gets heading data. All devices can be seen on pilot diagnostics and Lowrance nmea 2000 network. The pilot will also do fishing patterns with no issue. The problem is when you put in a go-to on the Lowrance unit and hit track on the pilot, the pilot says "no navigation data" and will not track. This is the third or fourth Lowrance unit this has happened with. Lowrance says it's a Raymarine Problem (go figure, right). Any suggestions? I was a certified raymarine installer that is now retired, so I have a good grip on the systems.