Can anyone help me figure out how to get my speed set to double digits on my Racemaster displays?
The system I use is 2 Racemaster displays in Master/Slave config. I know where to find the setting to set speed to 0.00 and the system is currently set to display double digits, but the speed only shows up as single digit, so 5.8 kts, in stead of 5.83 what I would like to see.
Sofar I have tried to reset settings to 0.0, then restart, then change back to 0.00 and then restart again. Nothing seems to help.
From when I bought the boat(J/80), during the trysail I know the system has worked with double digits, but somehow the setting got changed (unwillingly) and I want it back!
The system I use is 2 Racemaster displays in Master/Slave config. I know where to find the setting to set speed to 0.00 and the system is currently set to display double digits, but the speed only shows up as single digit, so 5.8 kts, in stead of 5.83 what I would like to see.
Sofar I have tried to reset settings to 0.0, then restart, then change back to 0.00 and then restart again. Nothing seems to help.
From when I bought the boat(J/80), during the trysail I know the system has worked with double digits, but somehow the setting got changed (unwillingly) and I want it back!