Has anyone had success using one of these adapters? We tried one with a Type I CF card, with no success, but can order a CF Type II to SD adapter online but I didn't know if it was another money pit or not.
Navionics has discontinued their Gold charts as of January, and they are the only charts that are read by the C series classic for North America it appears. We have some stock still in SD format, and would like to use one of them to help a customer with no local charts... if we can find an SD to CF adapter that will talk to the C120 at least.
Navionics has discontinued their Gold charts as of January, and they are the only charts that are read by the C series classic for North America it appears. We have some stock still in SD format, and would like to use one of them to help a customer with no local charts... if we can find an SD to CF adapter that will talk to the C120 at least.