We are planning the instalation of an Raymarine EV-100 Power Evolution Autopilot in a 36 ft boat powered by a twin Volvo D3 engines with hidarulic sterndrive. The question is, the EV-100 Raymarine EV-100 Power Evolution Autopilot pack will support this boat? At Raymarine web page about Hydraulic Steering Systems (http://www.raymarine.com/display/?id=773) they said that Type 0.5 is suitable for Volvo D4/D6 Sterndrive applications, and what about D3, is it suitable too?
We are planning the instalation of an Raymarine EV-100 Power Evolution Autopilot in a 36 ft boat powered by a twin Volvo D3 engines with hidarulic sterndrive. The question is, the EV-100 Raymarine EV-100 Power Evolution Autopilot pack will support this boat? At Raymarine web page about Hydraulic Steering Systems (http://www.raymarine.com/display/?id=773) they said that Type 0.5 is suitable for Volvo D4/D6 Sterndrive applications, and what about D3, is it suitable too?