circa '05 st6001, smartpilot, flux gate compass, teleflex smartstick linear reference.
currently rudder position is not showing up on the ST6001 (worked great last year), I went through the user settings and it is turned on. teleflex smart stick is getting power and returns 2.4V at either max steering settings. Should the voltage vary from full starboard to full port? Is there any checks to verify it is functioning (ohms, volts), how about the smart pilot (ohms volts)?
currently rudder position is not showing up on the ST6001 (worked great last year), I went through the user settings and it is turned on. teleflex smart stick is getting power and returns 2.4V at either max steering settings. Should the voltage vary from full starboard to full port? Is there any checks to verify it is functioning (ohms, volts), how about the smart pilot (ohms volts)?