I have a C125 (E70013) MFD application version V16.47-00513 and a RD418HD (E92142) application version 4.27. Both manuals say I should be able to connect them directly via a SeaTalk HS crossover coupler (E55060) However, when connected via the crossover my MFD says "radar not found". When I connect them both to a Raymarine switch I borrowed it works perfectly.
Did I get a bad Seatalk HS crossover coupler new out of the box? Or are these two devices not compatible via direct connection? Trying to troubleshoot before running 45min each way to W**TM****E
C125.jpg (Size: 462.55 KB / Downloads: 1)
Did I get a bad Seatalk HS crossover coupler new out of the box? Or are these two devices not compatible via direct connection? Trying to troubleshoot before running 45min each way to W**TM****E