We sent in our venerable ST60 speed log for repair; it was seriously enough compromised that we incurred the maximum flat rate.
The "repair" was actually "replace all but the housing," but with an ST60+ unit.
So, we have a new speed log. However, unless there's a different impeller for this or the original, we have a STW discrepancy on the order of close to 100%; we read 3 and change at what should be more like 6 and change, 4 and 8 and the like. At lower speeds, it's very much worse; 1's for 4-5, for example.
This unit was cleaned and inserted just before departure, so I very much doubt fouling.
I'm sure there is some key combination to adjust the compensation for speed, and that, like our other two speed transponders, one Raymarine and the other a very venerable Signet, you have to choose a sweet spot, as the translation isn't linear.
Thus, likely we'd try to adjust for a 'standard' 5 knots or so.
How do we do that?
The "repair" was actually "replace all but the housing," but with an ST60+ unit.
So, we have a new speed log. However, unless there's a different impeller for this or the original, we have a STW discrepancy on the order of close to 100%; we read 3 and change at what should be more like 6 and change, 4 and 8 and the like. At lower speeds, it's very much worse; 1's for 4-5, for example.
This unit was cleaned and inserted just before departure, so I very much doubt fouling.
I'm sure there is some key combination to adjust the compensation for speed, and that, like our other two speed transponders, one Raymarine and the other a very venerable Signet, you have to choose a sweet spot, as the translation isn't linear.
Thus, likely we'd try to adjust for a 'standard' 5 knots or so.
How do we do that?